The Welling Court Mural Project 2020

Over the past decade, Welling Court and the adjacent streets in the Astoria neighborhood have become a vibrant hub of New York City street art.

Each summer, the Welling Court Mural Project hosts a block party to unveil a new set of paintings. We started covering the murals in 2018.

This year, the block party was cancelled, but that doesn’t mean that there is no new art!

On a recent visit to Astoria, we were very happy to discover new murals throughout the neighborhood. While we were there, we also took a few additional photos of pieces from previous years that still stand out.

New Pieces from 2020

As we’re seeing in street art generally this year, the new pieces in Astoria reflect the themes and emotions of this year of crisis. Many are inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and bring messages of equity, justice, love, and hope.

John Matos and Joe Iurato
“Lift Every Voice” by Greg Lamarche
Lady Pink
Lady Pink
“Love Always Wins” by Queen Andrea

Some art from the previous years

Some of the art from the previous years is still holding up very well–a little faded, but not yet covered up or removed. Here are some of our favorites that you can still enjoy this year.

Lorenzo Masnah aka AEON and El Xupet Negre
Marc Evan and Chris Soria and Joel Artista
Jeromy Velasco and El Soul
“Coloureyes’d” by Mr Trans1
Lexi Bella
Pyramid Guy Created in 2016 and photo from 2019
Rodney Rodriguez Created in 2019 and photo from 2020
“Fight Together” by Jessie Novik Created in 2019 and photo from 2020
From left to right Sek Fink and Jules Muck
From left to right Rene Gagnon and Kimyon Huggins and Steven Cogle

All photos in this article are by Damien Derouene.
These photographs may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or re-posted to other websites without the express written permission of the author.

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